1.1. The present terms of use (General Terms of Use) are the rules and conditions for the use of the website “www.workfromgreece.gr.” (the “website”). The General Terms of Use govern and pertain to all aspects of the use of www.workfromgreece.gr.
1.2. Marketing Greece SA, which is the manager of the website (the “Manager”), may at any time amend the present General Terms of Use or introduce special or supplementary-additional terms of use for sections or functions of the website. The user shall be informed about such terms prior to entering the respective section or prior to using the respective function.
1.3. The General Terms of Use and any special or supplementary-additional terms of use constitute a legally binding agreement (contract) between the Manager and the user/visitor of the said website.
1.4 Information on Marketing Greece and its contact details can be found here: https://www.marketinggreece.com/en/contact
2.1. The visitor or user of the website should carefully read and study the General Terms of Use before visiting or using the web pages and should refrain from any use in case of disagreement. The General Terms of Use apply to the entire content of the website.
2.2. The users’ navigation on the website or sections thereof shall indisputably be deemed to constitute their acceptance of the said Terms of Use.
3.1. Use of the present website is expressly prohibited for any of the following: (a) illegal activities, (b) breach of international and national laws, regulations and rules, (c) breach of copyright of the Manager of the website or of any third party, (d) submission of misleading or fraudulent information, (e) offence, defamation, harassment, damage or discrimination related to gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation or physical disability, (f) management of third party personal data, (g) dispatch of spam, phish, pharm or dispatch of viruses or malicious codes, which may affect the operation of the Internet website, (h) indecent or immoral activities. The Manager reserves the right to terminate access to the present website to any user in breach of one or more of the above restrictions. If the user is provided with access to external links or external content through the present website, the Manager shall not be liable as to the content and other functions of such external links.
3.2. Users must comply with the general terms and conditions, applicable law and any other law provisions and/or practices and/or procedures which have been set and applied by the Manager.
3.3. The user acknowledges and unconditionally accepts that s/he shall be exclusively liable for any damages which may be caused to the present website or to any third party, regardless of cause, type or name of same, when such damages arise as a result, whether directly or indirectly, of failure to comply with the present terms and conditions of use.
4.1. Marketing Greece takes all reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures for the protection of Personal Data which are subject to applicable Greek and EU law and any binding provisions or agreements which safeguard any principles for the fair management and adequate degree of protection of Personal Data.
4.2. The website uses cookies to store information on your computer. To see the full cookies policy, click here.
4.3 Except for the use of cookies as set forth above, no other processing of personal data takes place.
5.1. The Manager assumes no liability vis-Ã -vis the user or any third party deriving rights from the user for any damages, whether material or otherwise, incidental or consequential, direct or indirect, or otherwise arising, regardless of the specific name, form and cause of such damages, for any legal claims under civil or criminal law, or for any damages arising from visitors to our website or from third parties, from any cause related to the operation or non operation or to the use of the website or from any unauthorized intervention by third parties to information available through the website.
5.2. The Manager and his partners shall make every effort to ensure the smooth operation of the website but may not warrant that the operation of the website or of its servers shall be seamless and free of all errors, viruses or other such elements.
5.3. The limitation or exclusion of liability on the Manager’s part pursuant to the terms of this present shall not limit or exclude his liability for damages of any kind for which liability may not be limited or excluded in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law.
6.1. Some of the web pages of the website may be supported by advertisement funds and/or sponsorships and may include advertisements and promotions.
6.2 The Manager of the website may change the manner, method and extent of advertisements and sponsorships related to the content of the website without specific notice to the users thereof.
6.3. The user expressly and unconditionally accepts that the Manager may place and/or show advertisements on the specific website.
6.4. All material available to users/visitors through the website in the form of advertisements shall not, in any way, constitute, whether directly or indirectly, encouragement, advice or prompting for any act to be undertaken and users/visitors should use their discretion to assess all available material and should act on their own will, while any liability on our part is excluded.
6.5 In case the Manager of the website promotes/advertises directly to the users the services of a third party (e.g regarding visa application, relocation and taxation services ……) the Manager bears no liability as to the quality of the third party’s services and the below- mentioned article 7 shall be applied.
7.1. The website may include links, hyperlinks and/or advertising banners linked to third party websites and the Manager may not control their availability, content, personal data protection policy, quality and completeness of services. Under no circumstances does the Manager accept any liability as to the availability, content, personal data protection policy, quality or correctness of the web pages and functions of websites of any third party, quality of the services provided by third parties which may be available to visitors/users through links, hyperlinks, promotions or banners. Hence, in the event that any problem should arise in the course of a visit to or use of such pages/functions, visitors/users should directly contact the party responsible for the specific website, who shall be responsible for such functions.
7.2. Under no circumstances should the Manager be deemed to endorse or approve the content or functions of websites and of the web pages accessed by visitors/users or to which the present portal is in any way linked or which the Manager of present portal may promote.
7.3. The user expressly and unconditionally accepts that the Manager shall not be liable for any loss or damage, regardless of the specific cause, name or form thereof, which the user may incur as a result of the availability of the aforesaid external websites or sources or as a result of any trust on the user’s part as to the completeness, accuracy or presence of any advertisement, any product or any other material contained in or available through the aforesaid websites or sources.
8.1. The General Terms of Use constitute a single legal agreement between the user and the Manager and shall govern the use of said website by the user.
8.2. The user expressly and unconditionally accepts that the Manager may provide notices, including such notices pertaining to amendments to the Terms of Use, by email, ordinary mail or announcements.
8.3. The delay or non-exercising of any right by the Manager, whether once or repeatedly, shall not, under any circumstances, entail the Manager’s waiver of such right, which the Manager may exercise at any time.
8.4. In the event that any provision of these Terms of Use should become void, the user expressly and unconditionally accepts that such provision shall be substituted by the Manager with another similar provision to thus construe the true intentions of the contracting parties. The invalidity of any provision of same shall not affect the validity of all other Terms of Use of this present, which shall remain in force.
In the event that the user should breach any term of this present, the Manager may, at its own discretion and apart from any other consequences provided for in this present or in any other source of law, suspend, whether provisionally or permanently, access to his website.
The present Terms of Use shall be governed by Greek law and by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), as well as the Greek law 4624/2019 and the law 3471/2006 inasmuch as they pertain and refer to the protection of personal data and the cookies policy. Any dispute arising in relation to the present Terms of Use shall be exclusively resolved before the Courts of Athens.
The present terms and conditions of use were posted on 01.11.2021, and revised on 12.03.2024, and shall govern the present website until any further review is announced.